What is 360 degree feedback?

This comprehensive glossary of human resource terms defines words and phrases frequently used by HR professionals.

Definition of 360 degree feedback

360 Degree Feedback is a method which gives employees the opportunity to receive confidential, anonymous performance feedback from their superiors and colleagues (generally 8-12 people are involved in the assessment).

How to execute the 360 degree feedback

The 360 degree feedback includes feedback forms which are comprised of questions measured on a rating scale as well as questions which ask raters to present written remarks. The person in question completes a self-rating survey which consists of the same survey questions others fill out in their forms.

The feedback process enables employees to give assessments to their coworkers in an anonymous, often more comfortable way. The recipients obtain insights into how they are perceived by their superiors and coworkers which provides them with an opportunity to improve their work and social skills.

What does 360 feedback survey measure

Since the original purpose of the 360 degree feedback is to help individuals in better understanding of their strengths and weaknesses it measures their behaviors, teamwork potential, listening and goal setting competence and leadership effectiveness.

It does not measure basic technical or job-specific skills, attendance or MBOs.

Source: talentlyft.com